Thursday, July 10, 2014

Who We Are and Why We Are Here

Hello!  Thank you for reading the first post describing the journey three teachers are taking to transform the way we teach.  We are Heather, Kristi and Niki, and we teach high school science in Colorado Springs.    Between the three of us we have 25 years in education, and for years we have been dissatisfied with the "one size fits all", "prep for the test" mentality that we have so often been forced to have.  Maybe because we teach in a subject where innovations and changes occur almost daily, but having to teach the same material each year, changed only by the activities and the wording we use has left a huge gap in our satisfaction with how we are preparing students for the future.  Where is the excitement?  How can we motivate and inspire our students when all we are doing is learning foundational content?  No wonder our students constantly ask "why do we have to learn this?" and "when am I ever going to use this in my life?"  Due to standards and tests, there just never seems to be enough time to cover the new and relevant changes occurring in science.  Now, before you roll your eyes, we do know that these foundations are critical to being able to actually DO something with science.  There has to be an understanding of the basics before anything can be done in science.  However, it's the using of these concepts that ignites passion.  We will be looking at articles supporting our ideas and thoughts to share, as well as descriptions of our successes and failures.  We hope you will follow us through our journey!

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